Photos from the October 8, 2011 Emeritus Induction Ceremony

Held at the Jockey Club

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Attendees: Buzzy and Jo Randall, Steve and Eleanor Blackmon, Pee Wee and Cathy Heard Armour and Andrea, Bill Armour and wife, Tommy Hopkins and wife, Tommy Appelt, Ricky and Doris Appelt, Sandra Wilder, Misty Wilder, Bubba Hopkins, Hugh Hopkins, Tom and Debbie Nash, Myra Blackmon and Tom Holland, Phillip,Carol, Leah, and Bradley Blackmon, Steve Blackmon, Jr., Jeffrey Blackmon, Bernie, Mimi, and Emily Henderson, Bob Jackson, Cody Cotton Hicks, Claire Cotton, Tim Ridgeway, Greg and Francis Connor, Turner and Dackie Callaway, Ernest Johnson, Charlotte Rhodes and Brad Goff, Cathy Vaughn Jordan, Peyton and Pam Gill, Angie Burdette, Jerry and Becky Blackmon Stover, Jim Davis, Randy Randall, Lyn Randall, Theron Wallace, Paul Jr., Madeleine, and Paul Bennett III, John and Dawn Howard, Milton Roberts, Shirley Branan Williamson, Paul and Claire Morrow Stevens, Bill Rousey, Bob Hopkins, Lincoln and Cindy Russell, Bounds, Jim and Karen McEver Hawes, Benjie Edwards, Royce and Sally Hendry Bufford, Steve and Donna McCall, Laura Roberts Purdy, Kay Blakey, and a few others.


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